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Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Traveling Amidst the American Political Saga and our Evolving Social Climate

I've taken a few quick trips to nearby locales recently. I traveled solo, as typical, anxious for the opportunity to meet new friends with interesting stories and backgrounds. And I've noticed something odd lately...maybe you have, too...

We talk to each other differently.

I mean to say that how we interact with strangers who we may have formerly approached apprehensively...well, it's all changed.

And I have a sneaking suspicion that our current state of political affairs has a lot to do with it.

We have an outspoken, often foot-in-mouth but at-least-he's-honest non-politician running against the first female front runner for the Executive Office of the President of the United States. An office that is currently held by the first African American family to receive it.

Regarding the former contestant, I'm positive that his sardonic nature and often incredibly insensitive tone are indirectly related to the influx of Caucasian men and women, also on vacation with their families, who approach me (a plus sized African American female) plainly and without the aforementioned apprehension, simply for general conversation.

Plainly, I think the race for President has made us more comfortable with one another. We're not as timid about approaching someone, even if we suspect they live a completely different lifestyle than we do. We're not afraid to voice our opinions to strangers. And that makes me happy.

That's the positive influence our presidential candidates have unknowingly bestowed upon us. We're more comfortable expressing ourselves to people of other cultures and ethnicities.

But here's the negative impact. We're more comfortable expressing ourselves to people of other cultures and ethnicities...


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